Lead Sponsors (3)
- 12 admission tickets
- 3 minute address at evening program
- exhibit table
- CrowdLink – logo representation
- full page ad in printed program guide (4.5WX7.5H color)
- full page welcome letter to attendees in program guide
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #1 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$10,000 |
Partner Sponsors (5)
- 10 admission tickets
- Opportunity to provide 1-on-1 consultations w/attendees on sign-up
- breakout session facilitation or 1 minute introduction at evening program
- exhibit table
- full page ad in printed program guide (4.5WX7.5H color)
- half page welcome letter to attendees in program guide
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #2 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$5,000 |
Program Sponsors (5)
- 8 admission tickets
- exhibit table
- opportunity to provide 1-on-1 consultations w/attendees on sign-up
- full page ad in printed program guide (4.5WX7.5H color)
- logo as print program sponsor on inside cover of program guide
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #3 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$3,300 |
Professional Services Sponsors (5)
- 6 admission tickets
- exhibit table
- opportunity to provide 1-on-1 consultations w/attendees on sign-up
- full page ad in printed program guide (4.5WX7.5H color)
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #3 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$2,500 |
Event Co-sponsors (10)
- 6 admission tickets
- exhibit table
- half page ad in printed program guide (4.5WX3.5H color)
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #4 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$1,500 |
CrowdLink Sponsor (1)
- 2 admission tickets
- CrowdLink – logo representation
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #5 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$1,000 |
Contributing Sponsors (unlimited)
- 3 admission tickets
- exhibit table
- logo on website, event signage and program guide - size #5 (1 largest-5 smallest)
$550 |
In-Kind Sponsors
- services logo on event program guide - size #5 (1 largest-5 smallest)
Download the ACE’17 Sponsor Levels PDF >
If you are interested in being a sponsor for ACE ’17, please contact Miche Rayment at [email protected] or 586.929.4782